On Dramaturgy and Discourse
2006 - In Curatorial Work
On Dramaturgy and Discourse- a seminar
Bojana Cvejić, Jeroen Peeters, Helmut Ploebst, Mårten Spångberg
Friday 20 October 2006 at 11.00 - 17.00
Saturday 21 October at 11.00 - 12.30
USF Verftet
The seminar presents four of the most interesting theorists in the contemporary dance field. They will give lectures based on topics they are concerned about and are working with now. With the seminar the aim is to present four thinkers that together give a very good introduction to what is happening within contemporary dance theory and research about dance. They represent different focus within the theoretical fields of contemporary dance. They combine all artistic and/or dramaturgical work with writing about dance - activities which they see as closely interrelated.
Bojana Cvejić is a performer and performance theorist. She works among others with the director Jan Ritsema in Brussels. She has written several articles among others published in the Slovenian journal Maska and the Croatian Journal Frankcija. Her works and texts are highly political and challenge ideas of contemporary dance and performance. Cvejić is teaching performance theory at PARTS in Brussels.
Jeroen Peeters has studied history and philosophy and works in Brussels as a critic, dramaturge and curator. He is working on a book about and with the choreographer Meg Stuart on how the body and perception in dance and performance becomes a discursive area, a place for critical approach and analysis of the world we live in. Peeters is a writer and critic with dance and performance as his field of study and he is the founder and editor of the website sarma.be Peeters has collaborated with, among others Frankfurter Küche, Sabina Holzer, Anne Juren, Thomas Lehmen, Vera Mantero, Sarah Michelson, Martin Nachbar, Lisa Nelson, Carlos Pez and Superamas. He is currently artistic collaborator for Meg Stuart / Damaged Goods.
Helmut Ploebst has a background from media studies and art history at the University of Vienna and a Ph.d from 1989 on the ideologies of art in Vienna between 1918 and 1938. As a writer, he has published a large number of articles and reviews on dance and performance. As a guest curator he has worked for dietheater vienna and the festival ImpulsTanz. In 2001 he published the book "No wind no word. New choreography in the Society of the Spectacle " with portraits of nine choreographers. Ploebst also works as a critic and writer for Der Standard (Vienna), as well as ballettanz (Berlin), tanz-journal (Munich) and several other print media. He is initiator and one of the founders of the site CORPUS, a website devoted to contemporary dance. corpusweb.net
Mårten Spångberg is an artist who lives and works in Berlin and Stockholm. His own artistic practice focuses on distribution, accountability and ownership, particularly in relation to decentralized modes of experience. Together with the architect Tor Lindstrand he runs International Festival that is working with an expanded and immaterial form of performance. Spångberg has worked as dramaturg for a number of choreographers and as a curator in addition to his own artistic projects. His solo performance "Heja Sverige" is presented at this year's Oktoberdans.
The seminar is part of BIT Teatergarasjen's festival Oktoberdans 2006.
It is funded by Arts Council Norway and Fritt ord.