Kompressor: CD with electronic music
2003 - In Publications
Kompressor- CD with electronic music
Tracks by TeeBee, Lupo, Skolpender, Kahuun, Neural Network, David Brown, Polar, Mushroom, Syklon, Information, Kaptain Kaliber
The CD is a documentation of the electronic music scene in Bergen from about 1993 to 2003, with a rich 16-page CD-cover with history and flyers.
Kompressor is a tribute to all those who have helped to make Bergen a good place to be in the past decade - to club- and party organizers, flyer designers and DJs.
Thanks to everyone who has contributed to the realization of the CD.
Collected by Anders Gogstad, Marie Nerland, Thomas Paulsen, Mikal Telle
Mastered by Jørgen Træen in Duper
Design fragment design
Press Bodoni Hus
Kompressor is part of the box Ferdsskriveren (BIT Teatergarasjen, 2003)
Ferdsskriveren is funded by Arts Council Norway, City of Bergen, Fond for lyd og bilde, Bergen Riksmålsforenings Fond, Bergens Tidende og SpareBank1 Vest.